Friday, September 02, 2005

a few seconds worth to learn something of value

before i leave for work, I would like to share this self-reflection statement.

"Why Worry? If you worry - you die. If you don't worry - you'll still die. So why worry?"

first day of work was tiresome, 11hrs of standing. talking, i was talking the whole damn day man.
"Good afternoon Sir, how could I be of any help?"
Customers would say "I am just looking."
bloody fuck, i never said i was blind. I CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE LOOKING. I CAN SEE THAT YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKED UP RETRENCH. Damn it, you have been standing there trying to figure out the Ibook(laptop) for the past 1 to 2mins. You WERE damn well trying for figure out the keyboard. Yes, the keyboard is white. Yes, ibooks are only in white, everybody can see that. Do you want a pink one? I can get it for you, just let me get some help from miss "hello kitty".

and lil teenage boy you seem to know everything, tech-savvy eh? I wonder what you use the net for these days, gaming 24/7?
You don't come to an Apple booth, where you fucking know we only have Ipods/ishuffles for mp3 players. We don't have i-river. If you insist we have, maybe you would like to point out where the fuck you got that information from?
Excuse me, do you have iriver?
-Pardon me, I what? Sorry young gentlemen, please refer to the showcases, and here's the brochure.
I already have the brochure. But they are not showing any Irivers?
-There is no Irivers here at Apple.
You mean you're out of stock?
-We do not have Irivers.
When would the new stock be arriving? Tomorrow?

Kids, you don't go to a drink store and ask "Auntie, could I have 2 plates of Carrot Cake?" Please, give me some hope...and tell me that you don't do things like that.


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